Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Angylion yn y llinell Danio

Cyflwynodd Rosemary Chalmer gipolwg addysgiadol a hynod ddiddorol ar rôl menywod yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf. Dechreuodd sefydlu nyrsio fel proffesiwn gydag Elizabeth Fry yn y 1840au, ac fe'i parhawyd gan Florence Nightingale. Bu'r nyrs Gymreig, Betsy Cadwaldr, yn gweithio gyda hi yn ystod rhyfel y Crimea yn Ysbyty Scutari yn Istanbwl.

Yn 1914 dechreuodd llywodraeth Prydain recriwtio nyrsys oherwydd eu bod yn gwybod bod rhyfel ar ddod. Roedd Gwasanaeth Nyrsio Ymerodrol y Frenhines Alexandra wedi'i sefydlu ym 1902 (a elwir yn QAs) ac yna'r Detachment Cymorth Gwirfoddol (VAD) ym 1909. Roedd y QAs yn nyrsys proffesiynol hyfforddedig, ac roedd y VADs yn fenywod dosbarth canol a drefnwyd ac a hyfforddwyd gan y St. Ambiwlans Johns a'r Groes Goch Brydeinig. Y trydydd sefydliad nyrsio pwysig yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf oedd yr Iwmyn Nyrsio Cymorth Cyntaf (FANYs). Roedd y grŵp hwn o fenywod yn dod o’r dosbarthiadau cefnog a gwnaethant ddarparu eu cerbydau eu hunain i’w defnyddio fel ambiwlansys. Eu rôl oedd cludo'r clwyfedig o'r rheng flaen i ganolfannau meddygol i gael triniaeth. Darparodd Rosemary lawer o fanylion diddorol yn ei sgwrs, megis nad oedd yr ambiwlansys yn cael defnyddio eu prif oleuadau a thynnu’r sgriniau gwynt o’u cerbydau er mwyn iddynt allu gweld yn gliriach. Eglurodd fod yna ysbytai hefyd wedi'u sefydlu ar drenau ac ar longau. Roedd nyrsys o'r holl sefydliadau hyn yn gweithio ar Ffrynt y Gorllewin a'r Ffrynt Dwyreiniol.

Soniodd Rosemary am nifer o unigolion sy’n anadnabyddus gan mwyaf, gan sôn yn arbennig am rai merched Cymreig fel Annie Brewer a Miss Tenniswood. Yng Nghaerdydd crëwyd 3ydd Ysbyty Cyffredinol y Gorllewin ym 1914 a oedd yn cynnwys Ysbyty Brenhinol Caerdydd, y Plasty, Ysgol Heol Albany ac Ysbyty'r Eglwys Newydd, yn ogystal â Sant Gwynllyw yng Nghasnewydd. Adeiladau nodedig eraill ym Mhrydain a ddefnyddiwyd fel ysbytai ategol oedd Pafiliwn Brighton a Phalas Blenheim. Bu farw llawer o nyrsys yn ystod y rhyfel, naill ai o anafiadau neu afiechyd. Derbyniodd llawer fedalau anrhydedd. Darllenodd Rosemary ddarn teimladwy o 'The Roses of No Man's Land' gan Lyn MacDonald a oedd yn disgrifio'r amodau yr oedd y nyrsys yn byw ac yn gweithio oddi tanynt.

Friday, 25 October 2024

Kelmscott Manor

32 members enjoyed a trip to Kelmscott Manor, the former home of Williams Morris and his family.  First there was a stop at a nearby garden centre allowing time to browse and also have some lunch.  Then tea and biscuits on arrival at the Manor, along with a short talk giving some background on William Morris’ connection to it. We were then split into 3 groups, each with a guide, to have a tour of the house and see some of the collection housed there. It was a long but enjoyable day.

Report by Liz Jervis

Monday, 21 October 2024

October meeting

Our speaker for October had to cancel because of ill health, so the committee put together a programme of activities.

To begin, Lucy Walsh from AbilityNet gave a short talk on what her charity has to offer to help people make use of technology, such as mobile phones and computers.

Their volunteers visit people in their own homes to help. Lucy said that her role was to deliver sessions on entry-level topics, e.g. how to use a smart phone; what does 'browser' mean; how to use an app; understanding jargon; scam awareness and so on. The sessions are interactive and there are also BT volunteers there to offer a hands-on experience.  

The sessions are not 'training' – there is no certificate at the end. They are to increase confidence. The sessions are free, last about 1 hour, and are funded by BT in order to bring IT (Information Technology) into the community.


For this meeting, the membership had been divided into eleven groups, with each group 'hosted' by a committee member. The object was to encourage people to get know other members beyond their usual group. A question and answer session was first taking it in turns to be questioner or respondent. Then we played Beetle, which everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy. The afternoon finished with refreshments and more mingling, and the opportunity to buy books, puzzles, games and cards to boost fundraising for our charity.

Thank you to the committee for organising an enjoyable meeting.

Cyfarfod mis Hydref

Bu’n rhaid i’n siaradwr ar gyfer mis Hydref ganslo oherwydd afiechyd, felly lluniodd y pwyllgor raglen o weithgareddau.

I ddechrau, rhoddodd Lucy Walsh o AbilityNet sgwrs fer ar yr hyn sydd gan ei helusen i’w gynnig i helpu pobl i wneud defnydd o dechnoleg, megis ffonau symudol a chyfrifiaduron.

Mae eu gwirfoddolwyr yn ymweld â phobl yn eu cartrefi eu hunain i helpu. Dywedodd Lucy mai ei rôl oedd cyflwyno sesiynau ar bynciau lefel mynediad, e.e. sut i ddefnyddio ffôn clyfar; beth mae 'porwr' yn ei olygu; sut i ddefnyddio ap; deall jargon; ymwybyddiaeth sgam ac yn y blaen. Mae'r sesiynau'n rhyngweithiol ac mae gwirfoddolwyr BT yno hefyd i gynnig profiad ymarferol. 

Nid 'hyfforddiant' yw'r sesiynau - nid oes tystysgrif ar y diwedd. Maent i gynyddu hyder. Mae’r sesiynau am ddim, yn para tua awr, ac yn cael eu hariannu gan BT er mwyn dod â TG (Technoleg Gwybodaeth) i’r gymuned.


Ar gyfer y cyfarfod hwn, rhannwyd yr aelodaeth yn un ar ddeg o grwpiau, gyda phob grŵp yn cael ei 'gynnal' gan aelod o'r pwyllgor. Y nod oedd annog pobl i ddod i adnabod aelodau eraill y tu hwnt i'w grŵp arferol. Roedd sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb yn cymryd eu tro yn gyntaf i fod yn holwr neu'n atebydd. Yna chwaraeon ni Chwilen, ac roedd pawb i weld yn mwynhau'n fawr. Gorffennodd y prynhawn gyda lluniaeth a mwy o gymysgu, a chyfle i brynu llyfrau, posau, gemau a chardiau i hybu codi arian i’n helusen.

Diolch i’r pwyllgor am drefnu cyfarfod difyr.

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Newsletter 186 – October 2024


Our speaker for the October meeting is Lucy Walsh from AbilityNet, a charity providing specialist services and impartial support to allow digital access to all.  She will give us an outline of free IT support for older people and disabled people.  

This will be followed by some group activities. There are also tables of items for sale left over from the fete: craft equipment, jigsaw puzzles, craft and gardening books and good quality second hand toys. Money raised will be towards our charity, Wales Air Ambulance. Cards are also on sale raising money for Marie Curie and people living with Alzheimer’s. Bargains to be had!



DATE: Saturday 23rd November 2024 at 2.30 p.m.   Tickets £30.40 – 25 places available.

Payment is due immediately please. Elizabeth Woods will distribute the tickets at the November meeting.

SIGN UP if you want to:

… go to HOTTER shoes to take advantage of their offer of a 30% reduction on full price and 10% on sale items.  (Minimum of 10 people required for this offer.) There will be a free raffle, a glass of wine or soft drink, and ‘nibbles’. Make your own way there.

DATE: Tuesday November 12th at 4.30pm.  


Please note, 30 people have already indicated they are interested in this visit. Now is the time to confirm that you want to go and pay  Please indicate on the sheet at the front.

DATE: Tuesday 19th November 10am.  £4.50 per person.      


DATE: Tuesday 15th October 2pm.  

Meet in the Car park, Forest Farm Road, CF14 7JJ

See Sheila if you want any more information


Yes, Christmas cakes!  Chris Soughton is again making Christmas cakes to raise money for our charity. The cakes will be made in loaf-tins, (approx 8" x 4"), will be a rich fruit-cake mixture and have marzipan and icing (decorated) on top. 

Price £12 – please tell Chris if you wish to order.  Finished cakes delivered at the December meeting.


Choir: The choir meets every Wednesday morning, 11.30-12.30 except for the Wednesday of the Rhiwbina WI meeting. Meetings will be in the Memorial Hall, Rhiwbina 

Book Group: Wednesday 16th October 11.00 am at La Cucina da Mara

Tangling: Wednesday 16th October  at 2.00pm 5 Court Close                                                   

St Mary's Gardens: Working parties 10.00 – 12.00  Thursday  24th October AND Tuesday 5th November which will be followed by the AGM and lunch in The Fox and Hounds

Craft Group: Monday 21st October 10.30 am 24 Lakelands Court, Rhydypenau Road

Family History: Monday 21st October  2.00pm 113 Pantbach Road

Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 27th October  1.00pm Llanishen Golf Club.


DATE:  Monday  11th November at 2pm.  

Speaker: Rosemary Chaloner.   Subject:  ‘Angels in the Line of Fire.’

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Becoming and Artist in Retirement - Sue Trusler

Sue began by reading from her book Time to Start your Art: 'If I can paint so can you!'

After 37 years working in finance, she retired and bought a narrow boat. On the outside it was covered with pictures of dolphins and she knew that they had to go. She and her husband had expected rest and relaxation but it turned out that they had to restore the boat . Not being able to find a canal artist to paint traditional roses, Sue decided to have a go at painting them herself. Using acrylics, she copied roses from books, and came to realise that a soft and flowing touch was needed. She also realised that she only needed to learn to paint one rose really well because then she could repeat it in different sizes, orientations, and colours. Using the same approach with painting leaves she developed some satisfactory results.

Having enjoyed painting the roses, their conservatory became a makeshift studio and Sue painted roses on watering cans, jugs, plant pots and everything! Later she moved on to watercolours and inks, making greetings cards, bookmarks and also printing her designs on fabric for cushion covers. She also creates photo books of her paintings and of inspiring photographs of things she wants to paint. She sent some of her canal boat roses to the Paint and Draw magazine, and they featured them. She joined the Orchid Society and entered their competitions three times, achieving two second places and at last first place. She then wrote an article for the Orchid Society Journal encouraging others to paint. This was her message throughout her talk: you can do this too.

Sue stressed that she painted for enjoyment and had no wish to turn it into a business despite a string of successes: giving a talk to thirty members of a women's art society; writing a book about her experience of beginning to paint; being part of a group of artists whose work was displayed in Times Square, New York; and being part of an 'Artists Talk' exhibition in tubes stations in London.

One venture that she was clearly delighted about was being asked to run a children's art class in Penarth during the half term holiday. She devised her 'art family' of introducing painting to children: characters who use a spiky, dotty, wobbly, smooth or curly method to make art. The class went really well and Sue told us that she found it moving to see just how much work the children had produced and how much they had enjoyed themselves. She eventually brought this method together in her 'Art Family' book. Sue contributes profits from sales to charity, makes calendars for charity, and donates painting to City Hospice. She is most prolific and inspired us all with her seemingly boundless energy and enterprise in producing artwork.



Dod yn Artist ar Ymddeoliad - Sue Trusler


Dechreuodd Sue drwy ddarllen o'i llyfr Time to Start your Art: 'Os caf beintio, gallwch chi!'

Ar ôl 37 mlynedd yn gweithio ym maes cyllid, ymddeolodd a phrynu cwch cul. Ar y tu allan roedd wedi'i orchuddio â lluniau o ddolffiniaid ac roedd hi'n gwybod bod yn rhaid iddynt fynd. Roedd hi a'i gŵr wedi disgwyl gorffwys ac ymlacio ond daeth yn amlwg bod yn rhaid iddynt adfer y cwch. Gan nad oedd yn gallu dod o hyd i artist camlesi i beintio rhosod traddodiadol, penderfynodd Sue roi cynnig ar eu paentio ei hun. Gan ddefnyddio acryligau, copïodd rosod o lyfrau, a daeth i sylweddoli bod angen cyffyrddiad meddal a llifeiriol. Sylweddolodd hefyd mai dim ond un rhosyn yr oedd angen iddi ddysgu paentio un rhosyn yn dda iawn oherwydd wedyn gallai ei ailadrodd mewn gwahanol feintiau, cyfeiriadedd a lliwiau. Gan ddefnyddio'r un dull gyda phaentio dail, datblygodd rai canlyniadau boddhaol.

Ar ôl mwynhau paentio'r rhosod, daeth eu heulfan yn stiwdio dros dro a pheintiodd Sue rosod ar ganiau dyfrio, jygiau, potiau planhigion a phopeth! Yn ddiweddarach symudodd ymlaen i ddyfrlliwiau ac inciau, gan wneud cardiau cyfarch, llyfrnodau a hefyd argraffu ei dyluniadau ar ffabrig ar gyfer gorchuddion clustogau. Mae hi hefyd yn creu llyfrau lluniau o’i phaentiadau ac o ffotograffau ysbrydoledig o bethau mae hi eisiau eu paentio. Anfonodd rai o'i rhosod cwch camlas i'r cylchgrawn Paint and Draw, a gwnaethant eu cynnwys. Ymunodd â'r Gymdeithas Tegeirianau a chymerodd ran yn eu cystadlaethau deirgwaith, gan ennill dau ail safle ac yn olaf y safle cyntaf. Yna ysgrifennodd erthygl ar gyfer y Orchid Society Journal yn annog eraill i beintio. Dyma oedd ei neges trwy gydol ei sgwrs: gallwch chi wneud hyn hefyd.

Pwysleisiodd Sue ei bod yn peintio er mwynhad ac nad oedd ganddi unrhyw ddymuniad i'w droi'n fusnes er gwaethaf cyfres o lwyddiannau: rhoi sgwrs i ddeg ar hugain o aelodau cymdeithas gelfyddydol i ferched; ysgrifennu llyfr am ei phrofiad o ddechrau paentio; bod yn rhan o grŵp o artistiaid yr arddangoswyd eu gwaith yn Times Square, Efrog Newydd; a bod yn rhan o arddangosfa 'Artists Talk' mewn gorsafoedd tiwbiau yn Llundain.

Un fenter yr oedd yn amlwg wrth ei bodd yn ei chylch oedd cael cais i gynnal dosbarth celf i blant ym Mhenarth yn ystod gwyliau hanner tymor. Dyfeisiodd ei ‘theulu celf’ er mwyn cyflwyno paentio i blant: cymeriadau sy’n defnyddio dull pigog, dotiog, sigledig, llyfn neu gyrliog i wneud celf. Aeth y dosbarth yn dda iawn a dywedodd Sue wrthym ei bod yn teimlo ei bod yn brofiad teimladwy i weld faint o waith yr oedd y plant wedi'i gynhyrchu a faint yr oeddent wedi mwynhau eu hunain. Yn y diwedd daeth â'r dull hwn ynghyd yn ei llyfr 'Art Family'. Mae Sue yn cyfrannu elw o werthiannau i elusen, yn gwneud calendrau ar gyfer elusen, ac yn rhoi paentiadau i City Hospice. Mae hi'n doreithiog iawn ac wedi ein hysbrydoli ni i gyd gyda'i hegni a'i menter ddi-ben-draw i gynhyrchu gwaith celf.




Wales Air Ambulance

At the January 2025 meeting, Whitchurch WI was delighted to present a cheque for £1,300 to Catrin of Wales Air Ambulance.