Wednesday, 19 July 2023

July 2023 meeting

The last meeting before the summer break was most enjoyable. There was a quiz, cake, and entertainment from the twins who call themselves CL Raven.



They entertained us with their 'Pole Fitness' routine, using a suspended hoop, and a silicon pole.  As well as practising and teaching pole fitness, they are also acclaimed authors.



Their Amazon profile describes them as '... mistresses of the macabre. They're horror writers because 'bringers of nightmares' isn't a recognised job title. They write novels, short stories, comics and film scripts. Their work has been published in magazines and anthologies in the UK, USA and Australia. In their spare time, they hunt ghosts, host a horror radio show, look after their animal army, and try to look impressive with polefit. Their attempts at gymnastics should never be spoken about.'

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