Monday, 21 October 2024

October meeting

Our speaker for October had to cancel because of ill health, so the committee put together a programme of activities.

To begin, Lucy Walsh from AbilityNet gave a short talk on what her charity has to offer to help people make use of technology, such as mobile phones and computers.

Their volunteers visit people in their own homes to help. Lucy said that her role was to deliver sessions on entry-level topics, e.g. how to use a smart phone; what does 'browser' mean; how to use an app; understanding jargon; scam awareness and so on. The sessions are interactive and there are also BT volunteers there to offer a hands-on experience.  

The sessions are not 'training' – there is no certificate at the end. They are to increase confidence. The sessions are free, last about 1 hour, and are funded by BT in order to bring IT (Information Technology) into the community.

For this meeting, the membership had been divided into eleven groups, with each group 'hosted' by a committee member. The object was to encourage people to get know other members beyond their usual group. A question and answer session was first taking it in turns to be questioner or respondent. Then we played Beetle, which everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy. The afternoon finished with refreshments and more mingling, and the opportunity to buy books, puzzles, games and cards to boost fundraising for our charity.

Thank you to the committee for organising an enjoyable meeting.

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