
Whitchurch WI meets on the second Monday of the month at Ararat Church, on Whitchurch Common. 2 - 4pm.

Whitchurch WI has been in existence since March 2005 and currently has about 70 members. 

Meetings normally include: 

  • a speaker on a topic of interest
  • news of past events and information about coming events
  • refreshments (for which there is no charge) 
  • occasional extra events such as plant sales, coffee mornings or mini auctions
  • sometimes there will be an (optional) competition for all members.

Visitors are welcome to join us to find out who we are and what we do.

WI rules state that you may visit for free on two occasions.
On your third visit you will be expected to pay up! 

The subscription for WI membership is £46.00 (2023 - pro rata if you join during the year), which covers eleven meetings in the year, and the opportunity to join in many outside events according to your interests. 

Members also receive a Federation newsletter and a local newsletter each month, plus the magazine 'WI Life' is sent to your home from the National Federation.


In addition to the main meetings we have several extra groups which at the moment include Craft, Family History, a Book Club, Sunday Lunch Club and a Garden Group. 

Pre-Covid groups which may re-start include: Strollers, Skittles, a joint choir with Rhiwbina WI, Concert Group, and Public Affairs. 

Several members also support the 'Friends of St Mary's Gardens' by meeting monthly to maintain the gardens there.

Committee 2023

Presidents:  Glenys Care & Linda Thomas

Treasurer:  Liz Jervis

Secretary:  Yvonne Harrisson

Other Committee members:

Sandra Greenway:  Welfare

Jenny Andrews:  Catering

Sheila Austin:  Newsletters

Gill Irwin:  MCS & outings

Jane Marklew:  Membership & Reception 

Chris Soughton:  Reception 

Marilyn Roberts:  Visitors & Outings

Nor'dzin Pamo:   Blog

Whitchurch WI is affiliated to: 

  • Glamorgan Federation of Women’s Institutes
    Federation House, 13 Courtland Place, Port Talbot,  SA13 1JJ
  • National Federation of Women’s Institutes
    104 New Kings Road, London, SW6 4LY

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