Showing posts with label fundraising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fundraising. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Wales Air Ambulance

At the January 2025 meeting, Whitchurch WI was delighted to present a cheque for £1,300 to Catrin of Wales Air Ambulance.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Christmas Fair, November 30th

A few photos from the Christmas Fair on November 30th at Ararat Church, where we raised £100 for our charity: Wales Air Ambulance.

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Whitchurch Fete - June 2024

Whitcurch WI had a stall at Whitchurch festival on June w9th 2024. The weather was kind, there were a generous number of donations, and plenty of volunteer helpers. This year the stall was offering jigsaws, children's games, and craft items.

This is one of our major fundraising events of the year, and we raised £350 for Wales Air Ambulance. 

Thank you to everyone who helped on the day, and for your generous donations.

Saturday, 13 January 2024

A cheque for City Hospice

At the January 2024 meeting, Whitchurch WI formally presented a cheque for £600 to one of our charities, City Hospice.

Vice President Linda, Katie Vaughan, and Treasurer Liz.

Katie Vaughan received the cheque on their behalf, and offered thanks for our support, expressing the importance of their work in supporting people in their own homes. 

Yng nghyfarfod Ionawr 2024, cyflwynodd WI Eglwys Newydd siec o £600 yn ffurfiol i un o’n helusennau, City Hospice.

Derbyniodd Katie Vaughan y siec ar eu rhan, a chynigiodd ddiolch am ein cefnogaeth, gan fynegi pwysigrwydd eu gwaith yn cefnogi pobl yn eu cartrefi eu hunain.

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Christmas Fair at Ararat

Whitchurch WI took at stall at the Ararat Christmas Fair. It was well supported by sellers, with stalls occupying three halls at the church. It was also well supported by those looking for present ideas and browsing the interesting variety of items for sale across the event, and was already busy at opening time.

The WI stall was a wealth of donated items. Many thanks to all who gave an item for selling. Thank you also to all members who helped on the day, and those that came and bought things.

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Ararat Christmas Fayre - Saturday 25 November

 Free Printable Christmas Decorations - Best Office Supplies Ltd

message to all members

Our WI will be taking a table at the Ararat Christmas Fayre on Saturday 25 November to raise funds for our three charities. We envisage selling a range of items with a Christmas theme - for example, gifts, decorations and food. 

This will not be a bric-a-brac stall. 

Please bring non-perishable items to the next WI meeting.
Food items would be very welcome on the day.

If you are bringing chutneys, jams or baked goods please say on the label if it contains nuts, dairy or gluten, and include your postcode and date of product.

This will be our last chance to raise money for this year's charities which are: Alzheimer's Cymru, The Wallich Centre and the City Hospice, so:

  • reach for those jars of home-made produce sitting on the top shelf of the cupboard
  • fetch out those items you have acquired that would make good presents for someone else
  • you crafty people get creative: tree decorations, cards, etc, etc

thank you - we look forward to all your contributions,

Glenys & Chris

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Whitchurch Festival - July 1st.

 Whitchurch WI had a stall at Whitchurch Fete on the Common on July 1st.

The gardeners had worked hard to produce a wonderful selection of plants for sale.

It was a great success and raised £400 for our charities. The left-over plants went to the St Mary's Gardens project.

Congratulations and thanks to everyone who raised plants and to those who helped on the day.

Volunteering in Rwanda – Mary Watkins

Mary Watkins began as a primary school teacher, and then worked for Welsh Water as an education officer visiting schools. Water Aid was foun...