Saturday 13 January 2024

A cheque for City Hospice

At the January 2024 meeting, Whitchurch WI formally presented a cheque for £600 to one of our charities, City Hospice.

Vice President Linda, Katie Vaughan, and Treasurer Liz.

Katie Vaughan received the cheque on their behalf, and offered thanks for our support, expressing the importance of their work in supporting people in their own homes. 

Yng nghyfarfod Ionawr 2024, cyflwynodd WI Eglwys Newydd siec o £600 yn ffurfiol i un o’n helusennau, City Hospice.

Derbyniodd Katie Vaughan y siec ar eu rhan, a chynigiodd ddiolch am ein cefnogaeth, gan fynegi pwysigrwydd eu gwaith yn cefnogi pobl yn eu cartrefi eu hunain.

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