Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Ararat Christmas Fayre - Saturday 25 November

 Free Printable Christmas Decorations - Best Office Supplies Ltd

message to all members

Our WI will be taking a table at the Ararat Christmas Fayre on Saturday 25 November to raise funds for our three charities. We envisage selling a range of items with a Christmas theme - for example, gifts, decorations and food. 

This will not be a bric-a-brac stall. 

Please bring non-perishable items to the next WI meeting.
Food items would be very welcome on the day.

If you are bringing chutneys, jams or baked goods please say on the label if it contains nuts, dairy or gluten, and include your postcode and date of product.

This will be our last chance to raise money for this year's charities which are: Alzheimer's Cymru, The Wallich Centre and the City Hospice, so:

  • reach for those jars of home-made produce sitting on the top shelf of the cupboard
  • fetch out those items you have acquired that would make good presents for someone else
  • you crafty people get creative: tree decorations, cards, etc, etc

thank you - we look forward to all your contributions,

Glenys & Chris

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