Wednesday, 13 March 2024

March 2024 meeting


This was a full and lively meeting.

The guest speaker was unable to attend because of illness, so one of the members, Pat Phillips kindly stepped up to offer a presentation. Pat and her husband are professional dancers and have represented Wales in international competitions.

Pat continued the theme as advertised: Keep on Moving. She stated that the old adage 'use it or lose it' holds true, and that physical activity is important to keep the body strong, and helps in everyday activity. She told us that dance tones the whole body as well as being a workout for the brain in remembering the steps.

She start the session with a few warm up exercises with controlled breathing, and then led us in a few dances. First a tango to the tune 'Hey Mambo', then a jig to the tune 'Pot of Gold' that was quite fast. The last dance was like the movements of line dancing. A good number of members joined in.

Then Pat showed a video of her and her husband competing in the finals of a competition. It was wonderful to see their graceful and expert dancing. She had also brought a few of her beautiful dance dresses with her, including the one seen in the video.

Pat ended her presentation by demonstrating the use of the hula hoop, and then led a few simple, slow, warm-down exercises to the tune of the 'Dying Swan'.

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Janine Williams talked to the members about her company Viney Hearing, based in Whitchurch. She gave information on the types of hearing loss and explained that hearing aids can only be aids – that is, they can only help individually, with whatever hearing loss and strength an individual has. She explained that Viney hearing off free hearing tests and a free ear health check. Wax removal costs £55 for both ears. Many people asked questions which she was happy to answer. They covered causes of whistling in a hearing aid; tinnitus; the need to change an ear mould every 4-5 years because the size and shape of the ear changes over time; preparation before having wax removed (she recommended Earol spray); and the cause of pain in the ear when flying and how to avoid it.

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Other items:

Linda announced that raffle tickets are on sale. £1 a ticket.

Voting for this year's charity (see newletter for details of options) – Wales Air Ambulance received the greatest number of votes and was adopted.

Gill Irwin announced that the joint choir with Rhiwbina WI has restarted. The choir will meet for every Wednesday morning, 11:30 – 12:30 except for the Wednesday of the Rhiwbina WI meeting. Meetings will be in the Royal Hall, Rhiwbina and there will be a cost of £28 a term to cover the expense of an accompanist.

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