Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Cyfarfod Mawrth 2024


Cyfarfod llawn a bywiog oedd hwn.

Nid oedd y siaradwr gwadd yn gallu bod yn bresennol oherwydd salwch, felly camodd un o'r aelodau, Pat Phillips, i'r adwy i gynnig cyflwyniad. Mae Pat a’i gŵr yn ddawnswyr proffesiynol ac wedi cynrychioli Cymru mewn cystadlaethau rhyngwladol.

Parhaodd Pat â'r thema fel yr hysbysebwyd: Daliwch ati i Symud. Dywedodd fod yr hen ddywediad 'ei ddefnyddio neu ei golli' yn wir, a bod gweithgaredd corfforol yn bwysig i gadw'r corff yn gryf, ac yn helpu mewn gweithgaredd bob dydd. Dywedodd wrthym fod dawns yn arlliwio'r corff cyfan yn ogystal â bod yn ymarfer i'r ymennydd wrth gofio'r camau.

Dechreuodd y sesiwn gydag ychydig o ymarferion cynhesu gydag anadlu rheoledig, ac yna arweiniodd hi ni mewn ychydig o ddawnsiau. Yn gyntaf tango i'r dôn 'Hey Mambo', yna jig i'r dôn 'Pot of Gold' oedd yn eithaf cyflym. Roedd y ddawns olaf fel symudiadau dawnsio llinell. I ymunodd nifer dda o'r aelodau.

Yna dangosodd Pat fideo ohoni hi a’i gŵr yn cystadlu yn rowndiau terfynol cystadleuaeth. Hyfryd oedd gweld eu dawnsio gosgeiddig ac arbenigol. Roedd hi hefyd wedi dod â rhai o'i ffrogiau dawnsio hardd gyda hi, gan gynnwys yr un a welwyd yn y fideo.

Daeth Pat â'i chyflwyniad i ben trwy ddangos y defnydd o'r cylchyn hwla, ac yna arweiniodd ychydig o ymarferion syml, araf, oeri i dôn yr 'Alarch Marw'.


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Siaradodd Janine Williams â'r aelodau am ei chwmni Viney Hearing, sydd wedi'i leoli yn yr Eglwys Newydd. Rhoddodd wybodaeth am y mathau o golled clyw ac eglurodd mai dim ond cymhorthion y gall cymhorthion clyw fod - hynny yw, dim ond yn unigol y gallant helpu, gyda pha bynnag golled clyw a chryfder sydd gan unigolyn. Eglurodd fod Viney yn gynnig profion clyw am ddim a gwiriad iechyd clust am ddim. Mae tynnu cwyr yn costio £55 ar gyfer y ddwy glust. Gofynnodd llawer o bobl gwestiynau yr oedd hi'n hapus i'w hateb. Roeddent yn ymdrin ag achosion chwibanu mewn cymorth clyw; tinitws; yr angen i newid mowld clust bob 4-5 mlynedd oherwydd bod maint a siâp y glust yn newid dros amser; paratoi cyn tynnu'r cwyr (argymhellodd chwistrelliad Earol); ac achos poen yn y glust wrth hedfan a sut i'w osgoi.

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Eitemau eraill:

Cyhoeddodd Linda fod tocynnau raffl ar werth. £1 y tocyn.

Pleidleisio i elusen eleni (gweler y cylchlythyr am fanylion opsiynau) – Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru gafodd y nifer fwyaf o bleidleisiau a chafodd ei fabwysiadu.

Cyhoeddodd Gill Irwin fod y côr ar y cyd gyda SyM Rhiwbeina wedi ailddechrau. Bydd y côr yn cyfarfod bob bore Mercher, 11:30 – 12:30 heblaw am ddydd Mercher cyfarfod Sefydliad y Merched Rhiwbeina. Bydd y cyfarfodydd yn y Neuadd Frenhinol, Rhiwbeina a bydd cost o £28 y tymor i dalu costau cyfeilydd.

March 2024 meeting


This was a full and lively meeting.

The guest speaker was unable to attend because of illness, so one of the members, Pat Phillips kindly stepped up to offer a presentation. Pat and her husband are professional dancers and have represented Wales in international competitions.

Pat continued the theme as advertised: Keep on Moving. She stated that the old adage 'use it or lose it' holds true, and that physical activity is important to keep the body strong, and helps in everyday activity. She told us that dance tones the whole body as well as being a workout for the brain in remembering the steps.

She start the session with a few warm up exercises with controlled breathing, and then led us in a few dances. First a tango to the tune 'Hey Mambo', then a jig to the tune 'Pot of Gold' that was quite fast. The last dance was like the movements of line dancing. A good number of members joined in.

Then Pat showed a video of her and her husband competing in the finals of a competition. It was wonderful to see their graceful and expert dancing. She had also brought a few of her beautiful dance dresses with her, including the one seen in the video.

Pat ended her presentation by demonstrating the use of the hula hoop, and then led a few simple, slow, warm-down exercises to the tune of the 'Dying Swan'.

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Janine Williams talked to the members about her company Viney Hearing, based in Whitchurch. She gave information on the types of hearing loss and explained that hearing aids can only be aids – that is, they can only help individually, with whatever hearing loss and strength an individual has. She explained that Viney hearing off free hearing tests and a free ear health check. Wax removal costs £55 for both ears. Many people asked questions which she was happy to answer. They covered causes of whistling in a hearing aid; tinnitus; the need to change an ear mould every 4-5 years because the size and shape of the ear changes over time; preparation before having wax removed (she recommended Earol spray); and the cause of pain in the ear when flying and how to avoid it.

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Other items:

Linda announced that raffle tickets are on sale. £1 a ticket.

Voting for this year's charity (see newletter for details of options) – Wales Air Ambulance received the greatest number of votes and was adopted.

Gill Irwin announced that the joint choir with Rhiwbina WI has restarted. The choir will meet for every Wednesday morning, 11:30 – 12:30 except for the Wednesday of the Rhiwbina WI meeting. Meetings will be in the Royal Hall, Rhiwbina and there will be a cost of £28 a term to cover the expense of an accompanist.

Saturday, 9 March 2024

Glamorgan newsletter snippets — diary dates, vol 15, issue 2

Glamorgan Federation of Women’s Institutes

Volume 15 issue 2
February/March 2024

Diary dates
Annual Council Meeting / £12 / Princess Royal Theatre, Port Talbot / Monday 18 March 2024

Bluebell Spring Lunch / £23 / Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl / Wednesday 20 March 2024
Closing date: 1 March 2024

Rosebowl & Brecon Cup / 2024 / Blanco’s Hotel, Port Talbot / Thursday 18 April 2024 / Closing date: 1 March 2024

Rosebowl & Brecon Cup Afternoon Tea / £15 / Blanco’s Hotel, Port Talbot / Thursday 18 April 2024 / Closing date: 1 March 2024

Darts Competition / £55 per team / Pencoed Social Club / Saturday 20 April 2024 /Closing date: 30 March 2024

Late Spring Circular walk around Penarth / £3 / Penarth / Saturday 11 May 2024
Closing date: 30 April 2024

Fashion Show / £25 or £28 / Norton House, Mumbles / Tuesday 7 May 2024
Wednesday 8 May 2024 / Thursday 9 May 2024
Closing date: 19 April 2024

Fashion Show / £23 / Heronston Hotel, Bridgend / Wednesday 15 May / Thursday 16 May 2024 / Friday 17 May 2024
Closing date: 30 April 2024

Whist Drive / £5 / Ystradowen Village Hall / Saturday 1 June 2024
Closing date: 30 April 2024

Thrill Seeker—Zip Wire / Rhigos Mountain / Saturday 15 June 2024
Closing date: 15 April 2024

Court & Castle Holiday / £199 / Windsor & Hampton Court Palace / Friday 19 to 20 July 2024
Closing date: 23 February 2024

York & Castle Howard Holiday / £405 / York & Castle Howard / Thursday 21 November to Sunday 24 November 2024
Closing date: 13 September 2024

Newsletter 180 – March 2024


Due to illness we have a change to our advertised programme, but we are still going to 'Keep on Moving'!

One of our members, Pat Phillips, has kindly 'stepped in' to meet today's theme in a different way...

Janine Williams of Viney Hearing Care will tell us about the services available.

We will also vote for our Charity Choice of 2024. (See over)


The results of your votes last month were:
Dental Health Matters – 22.
Impacts of poor housing conditions – 26.
Say "no" to gambling advertising – 9.
Improving outcomes for women in the Criminal Justice system – 14.
These have been passed to Glamorgan Federation to forward to the NFWI


Annual subscription for 2024/25 is £48, to be paid by Monday, 8th April.
Reference is Subscription if paying online

Ynys Hir Outing  9th April 2024.
Have you signed up and not yet paid? See Liz (Treasurer) today who will accept payment by cheque or cash.
Reference is Ynys Hir Trip if paying online.

The banking details for those wishing to pay online are:-
Sort code: 30-98-90
Account number: 17814568
Account: Whitchurch Women's Institute
Reference: see above; each payment has it's own reference.

WYE VALLEY OUTING – Tuesday 11 June 2024

This will be a full day trip, picking up a tour guide at Chepstow and driving through Tintern and along the Wye Valley to Monmouth. After a coffee & loo break, there will be a guided tour of the Shire Hall and Victorian Court including the history of the Chartists who were tried there. We will spend free time in Monmouth for lunch and/or shopping before a short drive to pick up a 45 minute boat trip on the Wye. We return to a hotel for coffee/tea and biscuits and then back to Cardiff.
Cost, including coach, boat trip and tea/coffee and biscuits will be £32.


For the past few years, members have raised and contributed plants for sale at the Fete at the end of June. We are NOT doing that this year.

Instead, we plan to sell good quality second hand toys and games; also complete jigsaws in good condition. It is a few months off, but please bear this in mind – especially those of us with grandchildren. Any other ideas are welcome.

GROUPS: Dates for your diaries.

St Mary's Gardens: Tuesday 12th March
LOTS of planting today – come when you can manage after 9.30.

Book Group: Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 11.00am at La Cucina da Mara.

Craft Group: Monday 18th March 2024 at 10.30am, 24 Lakelands Court, Rhydypenau Road, CF23 6QE

Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 24th March 2024 at 1pm at Whitchurch Golf Club.

Poetry and Prose: Monday 25th March 2024 at 11.00am at the Ark, Ararat.

Family History: Thursday 11th April 2024 at 10.30am at 113 Pantbach Road.

The Bus Pass Group will be re-starting when the weather is better!

NEXT MEETING: Monday 8th April 2024 at 2pm.

Subject: How Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs were saved
Speaker: Richard Cowie
Plus an add-on session by Nor'dzin, telling us about Tangling, or structured doodling

'TALKING POINT' – This is a service from the Alzheimer's Society which may be useful to you or someone you know. Alzheimer's sent the information in with their 'thank you' for our donation to their charity.

"Just one of the vital services we provide is Talking Point, our online safe space, where a trouble shared can become a trouble halved. People accessing Talking Point can learn from each other's experiences, share their frustrations and their knowledge of local services. Talking Point lets people living with dementia share and learn from each other in a safe online space. Just £50 means 312 people can access this site any time, day or night."


The Wales Air Ambulance Charity is funded by the people of Wales. They rely entirely on charitable donations to raise £11.2 million every year to keep the helicopters in the air and rapid response vehicles on the road across Wales.
The on-board consultants and critical care practitioners are highly skilled and carry some of the most pioneering medical equipment in the world. They can deliver blood transfusions, administer anaesthesia and undertake emergency operations at the scene of the incident, before flying the patient directly to specialist care. 


By funding the right research into the most promising treatments, we get closer to a cure every day. Until then, we're here for everyone affected by Parkinson’s.”
Local groups are run by volunteers who usually have personal experience of living with Parkinson's. Groups run supportive activities and welcome people with Parkinson's, family members and carers to join in. A monthly support group runs in Rhydypennau library.


MS Society Cymru are a regional support team that have specific projects that support the Wales MS Community, which are in addition to the services provided by MS Society UK Community Officers run a series of activities and events across Wales  such as yoga, exercise classes and  outdoor taster activities such as adaptive climbing, surfing and cycling. A new project is Breathing Space which offers respite and short breaks for carers of those living with MS in Wales. They have social support with Men’s Shed, choirs, online quizzes etc. 


The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea. Powered primarily by kind donations, our search and rescue service has been saving lives for nearly 200 years.
Also RNLI lifeguards have been patrolling beaches since 2001. They share safety advice, provide first aid to those who need it, and save the lives of those who get in trouble in the water.
The vast majority of RNLI people are volunteers - ordinary people doing extraordinary things - supported by expert staff, all working together to help communities at home and abroad save lives.


Sandville is a self-help charity, supporting people with life limiting and life changing conditions.
Their centre which has a lounge, a café, an exercise room and a hydrotherapy pool overlooks the Porthcawl coastline. There people can meet others from across Wales who are going through similar experiences. It is a safe place where they can make positive changes to their physical, psychological and emotional well-being.
Specific days are allocated for specific conditions such as Parkinson’s, cancers, MS, motor neurone disease, stroke, brain injury, and dementia.


See for our activities, photos and
reports from previous meetings.

Volunteering in Rwanda – Mary Watkins

Mary Watkins began as a primary school teacher, and then worked for Welsh Water as an education officer visiting schools. Water Aid was foun...