Sunday, 14 July 2024

Newsletter 184 – July 2024

July 8th is our last meeting before the summer break. Today, we have a talk by Lynda Edwards entitled “Morris Dancing Traditions’ – and a small demo/display of this traditional form of folk dance.

TRIPS: KELMSCOTT MANOR    Date: Wednesday 2nd October.    Cost: £43.   Coach: leaves Ararat at 9.15am

The cost includes the coach and the afternoon guided tour of Kelmscott Manor.  There will be visit to a local Garden Centre first, where you will be able to buy your own lunch.

At the last meeting, 30 people indicated their interest in this trip. You can make a deposit of £20 now if you wish to go on the trip; the full £43 cost will need to be paid at our September meeting.

The banking details for online payments are:- 
Sort code:  30-98-90  /  Account number: 17814568
Account: Whitchurch Women’s Institute  /  Reference: Kelmscott Manor Trip


This trip will now be after the summer break.  Not surprisingly, the college have been busy this term with graduation ceremonies!  So we expect to give you a date for this visit at the September meeting.


We are delighted to report that we raised £351.10 for Wales Air Ambulance, our charity this year. A big thank-you to all who were able to help and all who contributed the toys, jigsaws and craft items. Arrangements will be made to sell/dispose of unsold items.

Today’s funds bring the charity account balance up to £704.74.


We will all be given a tube of Smarties. We did this last year and it was very successful in raising money for our charities. The idea is to use the empty tube and fill it with 20p and £1 coins over the summer, bringing it back to the September meeting. Wouldn’t it be great if we could boost the amount raised for Wales Air Ambulance to £1,000?

GROUPS: Dates for your diaries.
Please note, the only ‘group’ meeting in August is St Mary’s Gardens.  The rest resume in September.

Book Group:  Wednesday 10th July 11.00 am at La Cucina da Mara
Craft Group: Monday 15th July 10.30 am 24 Lakelands Court, Rhydypenau Road
Poetry and Prose Group: Monday 15th July at 11.00am. The theme is “Food and Drink”
St. Mary’s Gardens: Tuesday 16th July and Tuesday 6th August 10.00-12.00. All welcome.       
Tangling: Wednesday 17th July 2.00pm at 5 Court Close  
Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 21st July 1.00pm at The Pendragon
Family History: Monday 2nd September 2.00pm. 113 Pantbach Rd. Note change of day and time.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, 9th September 2024 at 2pm.                           
Speaker: Sue Trussler   Subject: Becoming an Artist in Retirement.

See  for our activities, photos and reports from previous meetings.    

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