Monday, 15 April 2024

Paul Kirner's Music Palace, Ynys Hir

On April 9th a large group of Whitchurch Wi members boarded the coach to take them to Paul Kirner's Music Palace, in Ynys Hir. This is a museum in a converted chapel, that collects and celebrates the cinema organ that used to accompany silent films.




A group of gentlemen looked after the WI ladies, with most of the presentation being given by Ben Snowdon. He explained the history of the Music Palace, described the various organs on display, and entertained us with a range of musical pieces on several of the organs. 

We were amazed by the size and range of pipes, glockenspiels, percussions instriuments, foley equipment and more, hidden behind and alongside the display screen. Two large organs took it in turns to be centre stage, rising up and gliding down on lifts.






During the interval, we were given a delicious cream tea, served by the gentlemen - which was something of a novelty for a group of women. The afternoon visit ended with a sing-along. Everyone agreed that it was a splendid outing and that the Music Palace is a gem, hidden in the heart of Rhondda Valleys.



Paul Kirner's Music Palace (former Saron Chapel)
South Street, Ynyshir, Porth, CF39 0EG


Balas Cerdd Paul Kirner, Ynys Hir

Ar Ebrill 9fed aeth criw mawr o aelodau SyM Eglwys Newydd ar y bws i fynd â nhw i Balas Cerdd Paul Kirner, Ynys Hir. Dyma amgueddfa mewn capel wedi’i drawsnewid, sy’n casglu ac yn dathlu’r organ sinema a arferai gyfeilio i ffilmiau mud.




Roedd grŵp o foneddigion yn gofalu am ferched SyM, gyda’r rhan fwyaf o’r cyflwyniad yn cael ei roi gan Ben Snowdon. Esboniodd hanes y Palas Cerdd, disgrifiodd y gwahanol organau oedd yn cael eu harddangos, a’n difyrru gydag amrywiaeth o ddarnau cerddorol ar sawl un o’r organau. Cawsom ein syfrdanu gan faint ac ystod y pibellau, glockenspiel, offerynnau taro, offer foley a mwy, wedi'u cuddio y tu ôl i'r sgrin arddangos ac wrth ei hochr. Cymerodd dwy organ fawr yn eu tro i fod yn ganolbwynt, gan godi a gleidio i lawr ar lifftiau. 

Roedd grŵp o foneddigion yn gofalu am fenywod SyM, gyda’r rhan fwyaf o’r cyflwyniad yn cael ei roi gan Ben Snowdon. Esboniodd hanes y Palas Cerdd, disgrifiodd y gwahanol organau oedd yn cael eu harddangos, a’n difyrru gydag amrywiaeth o ddarnau cerddorol ar sawl un o’r organau. 



Cawsom ein syfrdanu gan faint ac ystod y pibellau, glockenspiel, offerynnau taro, offer foley a mwy, wedi'u cuddio y tu ôl i'r sgrin arddangos ac wrth ei hochr. Cymerodd dwy organ fawr yn eu tro i fod yn ganolbwynt, gan godi a gleidio i lawr ar lifftiau.




Yn ystod yr egwyl, cawsom de hufen blasus, wedi'i weini gan y boneddigion - a oedd yn rhywbeth o newydd-deb i griw o ferched. Daeth ymweliad y prynhawn i ben gyda chanu. Roedd pawb yn gytûn ei bod hi’n brynhawn bendigedig a bod y Palas Cerdd yn berl, wedi’i chuddio yng nghanol Cymoedd y Rhondda.

Paul Kirner's Music Palace (former Saron Chapel)
South Street, Ynyshir, Porth, CF39 0EG

Friday, 12 April 2024

April 2024 Meeting: Tangling


Main speaker: Richard Cowie: How Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs were saved.
Secondary speaker: Nor'dzin Pamo, one of our members: Tangling.


Nor'dzin explained that this art form has many names, such as constructive doodling, creative patterning, zen tangling. Different groups use different names, and also the various groups give names to the patterns used. Zentangle is perhaps the most popular and well-know group.

Some tangling groups have particular rules or approaches to this creativity. Some say that tangles should only ever be made in black ink on white paper. Others are happy with colour being employed. Some groups say that the artworks created should be abstract and never figurative – and then other groups are completely open about what is created. There is an emphasis on the meditative aspect of tangling for some people.

Nor'dzin expressed that she felt that having fun was the most important thing. She follows the rules of a group when creating with them, but does whatever she likes otherwise. The purpose of tangling is to enjoy creating. It is a relaxing and pleasurable pastime. 

One principle of tangling that seems to be common to all groups, is that there is no such thing as a mistake. The creation of a tangle is a gradually developing process. Although it is inevitable that one has an idea in mind when applying the pen to the paper, if something doesn't go quite as intended, then it is an opportunity to change direction, an opportunity for a new idea. Tangles are always created in ink as part of this principle – they are not sketched out first and then 'tidied up'. The artists commits to the mark they are making as soon as the pen touches the paper. Pencil is only used for creating a basic frame and string as an opening for the tangle, and for shading. The frame and string are for inspiration and can be used—or ignored—as appropriate. The frame and string can be erased when wishes.

To end her presentation, Nor'dzin presented a short video of the process of a tangle made on her computer, followed by a slideshow of some of her work.

Thursday, 11 April 2024

Cyfarfod Ebrill 2024: Tangling


Prif siaradwr: Richard Cowie: Sut yr achubwyd Cronfeydd Dŵr Llanisien a Llysfaen.
Siaradwr uwchradd: Nor'dzin Pamo, un o'n haelodau: Tangling.


Eglurodd Nor'dzin fod gan y ffurf gelfyddydol hon lawer o enwau, megis dwdling adeiladol, patrwm creadigol, zen tangling. Mae gwahanol grwpiau yn defnyddio enwau gwahanol, a hefyd mae'r gwahanol grwpiau yn rhoi enwau i'r patrymau a ddefnyddir. Efallai mai Zentangle yw'r grŵp mwyaf poblogaidd ac adnabyddus.

Mae gan rai grwpiau tangling reolau neu ymagweddau penodol at y creadigrwydd hwn. Dywed rhai mai dim ond mewn inc du ar bapur gwyn y dylid gwneud tangles. Mae eraill yn hapus gyda lliw yn cael ei ddefnyddio. Dywed rhai grwpiau y dylai’r gweithiau celf a grëir fod yn haniaethol a byth yn ffigurol – ac yna mae grwpiau eraill yn gwbl agored am yr hyn sy’n cael ei greu. Mae pwyslais ar yr agwedd fyfyriol ar tangling i rai pobl.

Mynegodd Nor'dzin ei bod yn teimlo mai cael hwyl oedd y peth pwysicaf. Mae hi'n dilyn rheolau grŵp wrth greu gyda nhw, ond yn gwneud beth bynnag mae hi'n hoffi fel arall. Pwrpas tangling yw mwynhau creu. Mae'n ddifyrrwch ymlaciol a phleserus.

Un egwyddor o tangling sy'n ymddangos yn gyffredin i bob grŵp, yw nad oes y fath beth â chamgymeriad. Mae creu tangle yn broses sy'n datblygu'n raddol. Er ei bod yn anorfod bod gan rywun syniad wrth gymhwyso'r beiro i'r papur, os nad yw rhywbeth yn mynd yn union fel y bwriadwyd, yna mae'n gyfle i newid cyfeiriad, yn gyfle am syniad newydd. Mae tangles yn cael eu creu mewn inc bob amser fel rhan o'r egwyddor hon – nid ydynt yn cael eu braslunio yn gyntaf ac yna eu 'tacluso'. Mae'r artistiaid yn ymrwymo i'r marc y maent yn ei wneud cyn gynted ag y bydd y beiro yn cyffwrdd â'r papur. Dim ond ar gyfer creu ffrâm a llinyn sylfaenol y defnyddir pensil fel agoriad i'r tangle, ac ar gyfer cysgodi. Mae'r ffrâm a'r llinyn ar gyfer ysbrydoliaeth a gellir eu defnyddio—neu eu hanwybyddufel y bo'n briodol. Gellir dileu'r ffrâm a'r llinyn pan ddymunir.

I gloi ei chyflwyniad, cyflwynodd Nor'dzin fideo byr o'r broses o tangle a wnaed ar ei chyfrifiadur, ac yna sioe sleidiau o rywfaint o'i gwaith.

Cyfarfod Ebrill 2024: Sut yr achubwyd Cronfeydd Dŵr Llanisien a Llys-faen


Prif siaradwr: Richard Cowie: Sut yr achubwyd Cronfeydd Dŵr Llanisien a Llysfaen.
Siaradwr uwchradd: Nor'dzin Pamo, un o'n haelodau: Tangling.

Sut yr achubwyd Cronfeydd Dŵr Llanisien a Llysfaen.

Dechreuodd Richard gyda hanes y cronfeydd. Yn gynnar yn y 19eg ganrif roedd gan Gaerdydd tua 6,000 o drigolion, ond erbyn 1900, roedd hyn wedi cynyddu i tua 142,000. Roedd hyn oherwydd pwysigrwydd Caerdydd i’r diwydiant glo, ac i’r diwydiant haearn a dur ym Merthyr Tudful.

Ym 1832 a 1849 bu dau achos o golera, a nododd John Snow mai dŵr yfed halogedig oedd yr achos ym 1854. Arweiniodd hyn at sefydlu Byrddau Iechyd yn y dinasoedd mawr ledled Prydain.

Arweiniodd hyn yn ei dro at greu cronfeydd dŵr Llysfaen a Llanisien. 

Mae Cronfa Ddŵr Llysfaen, a gwblhawyd ym 1865, yn gorchuddio 20 erw, ac roedd Cronfa Ddŵr Llanisien, a gwblhawyd ym 1886, yn gorchuddio 60 erw.

Gwnaethpwyd estyniad i reilffordd Rhymni er mwyn ei gwneud yn haws dod â cherrig i'r safle ar gyfer adeiladu Cronfa Ddŵr Llanisien.

Yn ddiweddarach crëwyd gwelyau hidlo oddi ar Allensbank Road, Y Mynydd Bychan.

Sefydlwyd cynllun Taf Fawr gan John Avery Brandon Williams. Roedd hyn yn cysylltu tair cronfa ddŵr trwy bibell 30 milltir â chronfa ddŵr Llanisien. Y tair cronfa oedd Beacons, Cantref, a Llwyn Onn.

Roedd y cronfeydd dŵr yn cyflenwi Caerdydd i’r 1960au, ond ar ôl sychder yn y degawd hwnnw, sefydlwyd cronfa newydd ger Pont-y-pŵl, i’r gogledd o Gasnewydd, a daeth cynllun Taf Fawr yn ddiangen. Cadwyd Llanisien fel cyflenwad dŵr brys, ond fe'i defnyddiwyd yn bennaf ar gyfer hamdden o hynny ymlaen: yr ysgol hwylio, pysgod plu, cerdded, gwylio adar.

Yna adroddodd Richard y newidiadau ym mherchnogaeth Cronfa Ddŵr Llanisien o 1970 a'r bygythiad i'w bodolaeth. Nid oedd Llys-faen dan fygythiad oherwydd iddo gael ei ddatgan yn ardal o ddiddordeb gwyddonol arbennig (SSI), ond roedd Western Power Distribution (WPD) eisiau draenio ac adeiladu tai ar safle cronfa ddŵr Llanisien.

Sefydlwyd Grŵp Gweithredu’r Gronfa Ddŵr (RAG) yn 2001 i ymgyrchu i achub Cronfa Ddŵr Llanisien. Cafwyd ymateb aruthrol gydag eisoes 1,200 o aelodau erbyn 2002.

Cyflwynodd WPD gais cynllunio ar gyfer 350 o dai ar y safle yn 2002.

Yn ffodus i RAG, canfuwyd math prin o ffyngau ar argloddiau’r gronfa ddŵr, a chyhoeddwyd y rhain yn safle SSI yn 2006.

Addasodd WPD eu cynlluniau, gan gadw'r argloddiau, ond yn dal i fwriadu dinistrio ac adeiladu 325 o dai ar y rhan fwyaf o dir y gronfa ddŵr.

Gan gyfeirio’n ôl at gynllun Taf Fawr, esboniodd Richard fod Cadw eisoes wedi mabwysiadu cronfeydd dŵr Cantref a Llwyn Onn. Yn 2009 cawsant eu perswadio i fabwysiadu cronfeydd dŵr Bannau a Llanisien hefyd, fel bod y cynllun cyfan yn cael ei gynnwys.

Nid oedd WPD am roi'r gorau iddi, fodd bynnag, ac yn y diwedd bu ymchwiliad cyhoeddus. Collon nhw!

Daeth Celsa wedyn yn berchnogion ar y cronfeydd dŵr a rhoesant brydles 999 i Dŵr Cymru. Fe wnaethon nhw ailwampio'r gwaith plymwr Fictoraidd fel bod modd ail-lenwi'r gronfa ddŵr yn 2019. Yn 2023 agorwyd canolfan ymwelwyr a chafodd RAG ei diddymu wrth i'r gwaith gael ei gwblhau.

Mae’r cronfeydd dŵr yn lle hyfryd i ymweld ag ef ac i gerdded, ond rhaid i ymwelwyr gadw at y llwybrau. Ni chaniateir cŵn oherwydd y ffyngau a fyddai'n cael eu lladd gan bis ci.

Dangosodd Richard y llyfr y mae wedi’i ysgrifennu am achub y cronfeydd dŵr i ni a’i gynnig i’w werthu i aelodau.

Roedd yn gyflwyniad hynod ddiddorol a phleserus.

April 2024 Meeting: How Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs were saved


Main speaker: Richard Cowie: How Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs were saved.
Secondary speaker: Nor'dzin Pamo, one of our members: Tangling.

How Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs were saved.

Richard began with the history of the resevoirs. 
In the early 19th century Cardiff had around 6,000 residents, but by 1900, this had grown to around 142,000. This was because of the importance of Cardiff for the coal industry, and for the iron and steel industry in Merthyr Tydfil.

In 1832 and 1849 there were two outbreaks of cholera, and John Snow identified contaminated drinking water as the cause in 1854. This led to Health Boards being set up in the major cities across Britain.

This in turn led to to the creation of Lisvane and Llanishen reservoirs. 

Lisvane Reservoir, completed in 1865, covers 20 acres, and Llanishen Reservoir, completed in 1886, covered 60 acres.

An extension was made to the Rhymney railway line to enable stone to be more easily brought to the site for building Llanishen Reservoir.

Later filter bed were created off Allensbank Road, Heath.

The Taf Fawr scheme was set up by John Avery Brandon Williams. This connected three reservoirs by a 30 mile pipe to Llanishen reservoir. The three reservoirs were Beacons, Cantref, and Llwyn Onn.

The reservoirs supplied Cardiff into the 1960s, but after droughts in that decade, a new reservoir was established near Pontypool, north of Newport, and the Taf Fawr scheme became redundant. Llanishen was kept as an emergency water supply, but was mostly used for recreation from then on: the sailing school, fly fishing, walking, bird watching.

Richard then gave an account of the changes of ownership of Llanishen Reservoir from 1970 and the threat to its existence. Lisvane was not under threat because it had been declared an area of special scientific interest (SSSI), but Western Power Distribution (WPD) wanted to drain and build houses on the site of Llanishen reservoir.

The Reservoir Action Group (RAG) was set up in 2001 to campaign to save Llanishen Reservoir. There was a huge response with already 1,200 members by 2002.

WPD put in a planning application for 350 houses on the site in 2002.

Fortunately for RAG, a rare type of fungi was found on the embankments of the reservoir, and these were declared a SSSI site in 2006.

WPD adapted their plans, retaining the embankments, but still intending to destroy and build 325 houses on most of the reservoir land.

Referring back to the Taf Fawr scheme, Richard explained that Cadw had already adopted Cantref and LLwyn Onn reservoirs. In 2009 they were persuaded to also adopt Beacons and Llanishen reservoirs, so that the whole scheme was included.

WPD did not want to give up, however, and eventually there was a public inquiry. They lost!

Celsa then became the owners of the reservoirs and they granted a 999 lease to Welsh Water. They overhauled the Victorian plumbing so that the reservoir could be refilled in 2019. In 2023 a visitor centre was opened and RAG was disbanded as its job was completed.

The reservoirs are a lovely place to visit and for walking, but visitors must keep to the paths. Dogs are not allowed because of the fungi which would be killed by dog pee.

Richard showed us the book he has written about saving the reservoirs and offered it for sale to members.

It was a most interesting and enjoyable presentation.

Newsletter 181 – April 2024


The speaker for April's meeting is Richard Cowie, whose subject is  “How Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs were saved”.  Also, if you have never heard of “Tangling’ or ‘structured doodling’, one of our members, Nord’zin Pamo, will explain all.  Finally, we need (just) a vote on the national W.I. resolution for this year “Dental Health Matters” – a show of hands to indicate whether our W.I. supports it, or not.


Annual subscription for 2024/25 is £48, to be paid by Monday, 8th April.  
Reference is: 'Subscription' if paying online.

Wye Valley Outing.  Tuesday 11th June 2024. 
This has been very popular so we have booked a bigger coach, meaning that there are some spaces to fill.  Full details about the trip were given in the last newsletter
The cost is £32.  Reference is 'Wye Valley Trip', if paying online.
The banking details for online payments are:- 
    Sort code:  30-98-90
    Account number: 17814568
    Account: Whitchurch Women’s Institute


Have you thought about the ‘behind the scenes’ action needed for our W.I’s wide range of activities?  Speakers, trips, refreshments/parties, updating the membership, and keeping in touch with members, the equipment needed, the newsletter, fundraising…  and not least, the administration and finances.  ‘Many hands make light work’, so we would be delighted to welcome new members, new ideas.  You can find out more of what’s involved by  ‘sitting in’ at our committee meetings if you wish.  Do speak to a Committee member (orange badge) if you are interested .


Members interested can see these on the notice board on the front table.


Gill Irwin has let us know that the joint choir with Rhiwbina WI has restarted. The choir will meet every Wednesday morning, 11:30 – 12:30 (except the 1st Wednesday of the month, when it is Rhiwbina WI meeting). Meetings will be in the Memorial Hall, Rhiwbina.  There will be a cost of £28 a term to cover the expense of an accompanist.

GROUPS: Dates for your diaries.
    Book Group: Wednesday 10th April 2024, 11.00am at La Cucina da Mara
    Family History: Thursday 11th April 2024, 10.30am at 113 Pantbach Road
    Craft Group: Monday 15th April 2024, 10.30am at 24 Lakelands Court, Rhydypenau Road,  CF23 6QE
    St Mary’s Gardens: Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 10 am at St Mary’s Gardens, Old Church Rd.  All welcome.
    Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 28th April 2024, 1pm at The Three Arches
    Poetry and Prose: Monday 29th April 2024  11.00am at the Ark, Ararat.  The theme is 'Transport'.
    The Bus Pass Group – still waiting for the better weather!  
NEXT MEETING: Monday, 13th May 2024 at 2pm.                    

This will be our Annual Meeting – and you will also have the opportunity to see the slides of St Mary’s Gardens which we were unable to show you when Zoe did the talk in March.

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Glamorgan newsletter – snippets and diary dates

Volume 15, issue 3 – March/April 2024


‘Design a Mug’ Depicting the 'Not in my Name' campaign to end Violence Against Women

A design created by hand (any medium) or digitally will be accepted.
Design to be presented on a mug or mug format (in original or digital format).

Judging criteria:

  • Creativity and originality of the design
  • Mastery of chosen medium
  • Interpretation and clarity of the theme
  • Suitability of the design for a mug.

Closing date : Monday 4 November 2024
Submission of Entries
By post : NFWI-WALES, Suite 66, 33 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9HB
Submissions should include the following information:-
Name and contact details of entrant; name of WI; name of Federation 


Darts Competition | £55 per team | Pencoed Social Club | Saturday 20 April 2024 Closing date: 30 March 2024

Late Spring Circular walk around Penarth | £3 | Penarth Saturday 11 May 2024
Closing date: 30 April 2024

Fashion Show | £25 or £28 | Norton House, Mumbles | Tuesday 7 May 2024,
Wednesday 8 May 2024, Thursday 9 May 2024
Closing date:19 April 2024

Fashion Show | £23 | Heronston Hotel, Bridgend | Wednesday 15 May, Thursday 16 May 2024, Friday 17 May 2024
Closing date: 30 April 2024

Whist Drive | £5 | Ystradowen Village Hall | Saturday 1 June 2024
Closing date: 30 April 2024

Thrill Seeker—Zip Wire | Rhigos Mountain | Saturday 15 June 2024
Closing date: 15 April 2024

Table top games and Afternoon Tea | £12 | All Hallows Church Hall, Miskin | Saturday 13 July 2024
Closing date: 14 June 2024

Court & Castle Holiday | £199 | Windsor & Hampton Court Palace | Friday 19–20 July 2024
Closing date: 23 February 2024

York & Castle Howard Holiday | £405 | York & Castle Howard | Thursday 21 November – Sunday 24 November 2024
Closing date: 13 September 2024

Volunteering in Rwanda – Mary Watkins

Mary Watkins began as a primary school teacher, and then worked for Welsh Water as an education officer visiting schools. Water Aid was foun...