Thursday, 19 October 2023

Amy Dillwyn presented by Debra John

Debra John as Amy Dilwen, the Victorian philanthropist

At the October meeting, Debra Dillwyn, dressed in the style adopted by Amy, spoke as if looking back from the age of about 50, musing on the main events and influences on her life. 

Key events, such as the birth of a sister when she was seven, the marriage of her older sister, and the loss of her fiancĂ©, all caused her to question her role within the family and in wider society. 

She remained single and struggled to find a role that was permitted for a female. She wrote feminist novels and joined the suffragist movement. Amy was close to her father and on his death she inherited his factory, and his debts, and became a successful industrialist and philanthropist.
This complex person was brilliantly and sympathetically brought to life through Debra's presentation. 

Also at this meeting, Lynette Chappin gave a short talk about The Family History coffee morning and showed the members one of the knee shawls that she finishes off. She crochets together squares knitted by the members, which then go to the residents of Nazareth House care home. 

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Ararat Christmas Fayre - Saturday 25 November

 Free Printable Christmas Decorations - Best Office Supplies Ltd

message to all members

Our WI will be taking a table at the Ararat Christmas Fayre on Saturday 25 November to raise funds for our three charities. We envisage selling a range of items with a Christmas theme - for example, gifts, decorations and food. 

This will not be a bric-a-brac stall. 

Please bring non-perishable items to the next WI meeting.
Food items would be very welcome on the day.

If you are bringing chutneys, jams or baked goods please say on the label if it contains nuts, dairy or gluten, and include your postcode and date of product.

This will be our last chance to raise money for this year's charities which are: Alzheimer's Cymru, The Wallich Centre and the City Hospice, so:

  • reach for those jars of home-made produce sitting on the top shelf of the cupboard
  • fetch out those items you have acquired that would make good presents for someone else
  • you crafty people get creative: tree decorations, cards, etc, etc

thank you - we look forward to all your contributions,

Glenys & Chris

Newsletter 175 - October 2023

For the October meeting: a treat

Debra John gives us another dramatic presentation, this time about Amy Dillwen,  the Edwardian Philanthropist.

Smarties Tubes - fundraising for our charities

We are delighted to announce that this fundraising effort was very successful, with a magnificent £387.92 collected at the main meeting on 11th September 2023.  Thanks to all who participated.  

By the way, it’s not too late to hand in your contribution!

Members - important - please note

If your home/email address, mobile or landline number changes, please let one of the Committee know.
In case you are not aware of it, Committee members wear an orange badge at the meeting.  Also, for the first time today, you may see some people with a yellow badge. This means they are visitors to our meeting, so please make them feel welcome.  

Whitchurch W.I. ‘Blog’ 

Apologies that the demonstration of the Blog to members at the last meeting failed for technical reasons - (nothing to do with the blog!).  We encourage you to look at it - and leave a comment perhaps?  
Details of how to access it:    
Use  which either links you automatically or you may also just need to click on Whitchurch/Glamorgan.  Among other things, you will find information on previous meetings (including photos), details of future meetings, our various interest groups, and the names of your committee. In fact, this newsletter will be available there as well.              

St Mary’s Gardens    

Some of you may know that it was members of the W.I. (Zoe in particular) who took the initiative to do something about the neglected state of St Mary’s Gardens in Old Church Road.  

There is now a ‘Friends’ group. Anyone interested in St Mary’s Gardens is warmly invited to their AGM, which includes an illustrated talk by Rhodri Hughes, Community Park Ranger, on the future of the gardens and a photography display.  Do come along. Awen are hosting the event .  Tea and coffee available.

The AGM is on Wednesday November 1st - 7pm - at Whitchurch Library Hub.

Groups: Dates for your diaries   

Book Group:  Wednesday 11th Oct  2023  at 11.00am at La Cucina da Mara 

Craft Group: Monday 16th Oct 2023  at 10.30am at 18 Heol Stradling

St Mary’s Gardens:  Tuesday 17th Oct  2023 10.00 am.  A working party, suitable for all activity levels.

Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 22nd Oct  2023 at 1.00pm at Llanishen Golf Club

Poetry and Prose:  Monday 23rd Oct 2023 11.00am at the Ark, Ararat

Family History: Thursday 2nd Nov2023 at 10.30am at 113 Pantbach Road

* * * * * * * * * * * 

Our next meeting:  

Monday 13th November 2023 at 2pm

Subject:  My life as a Puppeteer.

Speaker: Helyn Latimer 

Volunteering in Rwanda – Mary Watkins

Mary Watkins began as a primary school teacher, and then worked for Welsh Water as an education officer visiting schools. Water Aid was foun...