Friday 14 June 2024

Glamorgan Federation Newsletter – diary dates

Volume 15 issue 5
April/May 2024

Diary dates—2024

Whist Drive—£5—Ystradowen Village Hall—Saturday 1 June 2024

Thrill Seeker—Zip Wire—Rhigos Mountain—Saturday 15 June 2024

Table top games and Afternoon Tea—£12—All Hallows Church Hall, Miskin—Saturday 13 July 2024—Closing date: 14 June 2024

Court & Castle Holiday—£199—Windsor & Hampton Court Palace—Friday 19-20 July 2024

York & Castle Howard Holiday—£405—York & Castle Howard—Thursday 21 November/Sunday 24 November 2024—Closing date: 13 September 2024

An evening with an Author—£21—Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl—Wednesday 11 September 2024—Closing date: 26 July 2024

Malvern Flower Show—£35—Malvern—Sunday 29 September 2024—Closing date: 13 July 2024

Federation Quiz—£10—Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl—Tuesday 22 October 2024—Closing date: 27 September 2024

Craft Fayre—£20—The Orangery, Margam Park—Saturday 16 November 2024—Closing date: 9 October 2024

Newsletter 183 – June 2024


Our meeting today again has ‘a main event’ and an ‘add on. The subject of the talk is 'Forest Farm – Our Local Nature Reserve'. The speaker is Albyn Austin. The ‘add on’ is 'Lasting Power of Attorney' from LPA Made Simple.


Tuesday 11th June. The coach leaves at 9.30 from outside Ararat Church and is expected to be back at approximately 5.30pm.

TRIP TO KELMSCOTT MANOR  Wednesday 2nd October.

This is 20 miles beyond Swindon. It is Grade 1 listed and was the the Summer residence of William Morris, Father of the Arts & Crafts Movement. A visit to a local Garden Centre where you can get lunch will precede the afternoon visit to Kelmscott.

The cost of the outing will be £38 to cover coach and entry. (£43 if a guided tour is wanted  see below)

A guided tour costs an extra £5 and lasts between 75 and 90 minutes. Otherwise visitors can free-flow around the house which has room guides who will answer questions. Our problem is that guided tours require a minimum of 25 and a maximum of 36 people; free-flow groups require a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 52. So, it is one OR the other. The committee has decided to ask you for your preference and let that decide which option to go for. If you are interested in this outing, please have a word with Yvonne at the front and she will note your preference. Thank you.

WHITCHURCH FETE - Saturday 29th June 2024

Raising money for Wales Air Ambulance  our charity this year.
On the Common, starting about 12 noon.
If you have forgotten to bring items today, you can bring them along on the day: craft equipment/patterns; jigsaws; good quality second hand toys and games.       


Thank you to those who expressed an interest in going to a ‘behind the scenes’ tour at the RWCMD. The date will probably be in September, so details will be available next month. The guided tour lasts up to an hour and a half and the cost is £4.50 per person.


Please be aware that their opening and closing times have changed.

GROUPS: Dates for your diaries.     

Bus Pass Group:  does anybody want to organise this?    

Choir: this will re-start on 11th September.  It meets every Wednesday morning, 11.3012.30 (except for the Wednesday of the Rhiwbina WI) in the Memorial Hall, Rhiwbina.

Book Group:  Wednesday 12th June, 11.00 am at La Cucina da Mara.

Craft Group:
Monday 17th June, 10.30 am, 24 Lakelands Court, Rhydypenau Road.

Poetry and Prose Group: Monday 17th June, 11.00am. The theme is ‘Schooldays'.

Tangling: Wednesday 19th June, 2.00pm and Tuesday 2nd July, 2.00pm, 5 Court Close. Tangling is a relaxing art activity, creating a 'tangle' of patterns.

Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 23rd June, 1.00pm, The Pendragon.

Family History: Monday 1st July, 2.00pm. Note change of day and time.

St. Mary’s Gardens: Tuesday 16th July, 10.0012.00. All welcome.          

NEXT MEETING: Monday, 8th July 2024 at 2pm.                          

Our speaker is Lynda Edwards who will tell us all about 'Morris Dancing Traditions'.
There will also be cake to accompany our tea/coffee.

See for our activities, photos and reports from previous meetings.

Friday 31 May 2024

Glamorgan Federation Newsletter – diary dates

Glamorgan Federation Newsletter

Volume 15 issue 5
April/May 2024

Diary dates—2024

Whist Drive—£5—Ystradowen Village Hall—Saturday 1 June 2024

Thrill Seeker Zip Wire—Rhigos Mountain—Saturday 15 June 2024

Table top games and Afternoon Tea—£12—All Hallows Church Hall, Miskin—Saturday 13 July 2024—Closing date: 14 June 2024

Court & Castle Holiday—£199—Windsor & Hampton Court Palace—Friday 19-20 July 2024

York & Castle Howard Holiday—£405—York & Castle Howard—Thursday 21 November to Sunday 24 November 2024—Closing date: 13 September 2024

An evening with an Author—£21—Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl—Wednesday 11 September 2024—Closing date: 26 July 2024

Malvern Flower Show—£35—Malvern—Sunday 29 September 2024—Closing date: 13 July 2024

Federation Quiz—£10—Hi Tide Inn, Porthcawl—Tuesday 22 October 2024—Closing date: 27 September 2024

Craft Fayre—£20—The Orangery, Margam Park—Saturday 16 November 2024—Closing date: 9 October 2024

Wednesday 15 May 2024

May meeting 2024 – AGM / Cyfarfod Mis Mai 2024 – CCB

The May meeting was the AGM, so there was no speaker. It was greatly appreciated that such a large number of members came along.

Claire Atherton, Glamorgan Federation Advisor, officiated the meeting. The committee remained the same, with one new member, Nor'dzin Pamo – the person who looks after this blog! Glenys Care and Linda Thomas were reelected as joint presidents.

Claire Atherton with Linda and Yvonne

Whilst Claire had a short meeting with the committee, the members were treated to a slide show of the photos of St Mary's Gardens. It had not been possible to show these the day of the talk about St Mary's Gardens owing to an electrical problem in the hall.


Cyfarfod mis Mai oedd y Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol, felly nid oedd siaradwr. Gwerthfawrogwyd yn fawr fod cymaint o aelodau wedi dod ynghyd.

Gweinyddwyd y cyfarfod gan Claire Atherton, Cynghorydd Ffederasiwn Morgannwg. Arhosodd y pwyllgor yr un fath, gydag un aelod newydd, Nor'dzin Pamo - y person sy'n gofalu am y blog hwn! Ail-etholwyd Glenys Care a Linda Thomas yn gyd-lywyddion.

Tra bod Claire wedi cael cyfarfod byr gyda'r pwyllgor, cafodd yr aelodau sioe sleidiau o'r lluniau o Erddi'r Santes Fair. Ni fu modd dangos y rhain ar ddiwrnod y sgwrs am Erddi’r Santes Fair oherwydd problem drydanol yn y neuadd.
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Newsletter 182 – May 2024


Today is our Annual Meeting, where your Committee will be elected. When the Committee leave the meeting temporarily, you will be able to see the pictures of St Mary’s Gardens. Due to electrical problems, we were not able to show them when Zoe gave the talk in February.

WHITCHURCH FETE – Saturday 29th June 2024

Please bring suitable items to our next meeting on 10th June. Funds for Air Ambulance – our charity this year.

Craft equipment/patterns including knitting wool and needles; sewing – reels of thread; decorative items. Jigsaws (please check they are complete). Good quality second hand toys and games.       


We are planning a ‘behind the scenes’ tour at the RWCMD. The date is not yet finalised but this is what we know. The guided tour lasts up to an hour and a half; the cost is £4.50 per person. The maximum number per visit is 25. You will be expected to get there yourself (plenty of buses pass the door).

If you are interested, there is a tick list on the front table with the other notices.


A reminder that the joint choir with Rhiwbina WI has restarted. The choir meets  every Wednesday morning, 11:30 – 12:30 (except the 1st Wednesday when it is the  Rhiwbina WI meeting) in the Memorial Hall, Rhiwbina. There is a cost of £28 a term to cover the expense of an accompanist.


As you will know, this scheme opens privately-owned gardens on selected dates for charity. A couple of possible venues have been suggested for members to visit: Penarth, to a group  of gardens, and V21 (Vision 21)’s Community Garden in Fairwater. V21 supports people with learning disabilities to realise their potential through catering, growing, creating, learning and making initiatives.

Further information is in the NGS booklet on the notice board table. Maybe a group of friends may wish to go together? Travelling would be via car share or independently.

GROUPS: Dates for your diaries.   
St Mary’s Gardens:  Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 10 am. St Mary’s Gardens, Old Church Rd. All welcome.
Book Group:  Wednesday 15th May 2024  at 11.00am at La Cucina da Mara
Tangling Group: Wednesday 15th May 2024 and Tuesday 4th June at 2pm at 5 Court Close (off Heol Gabriel), CF14 1JR
Craft Group:  Monday 20th May 2024 at 2pm, 24 Lakelands Court, Rhydypenau Road, CF23 6QE  
Family History: Thursday 23rd May 2024 at 10.30am at 113 Pantbach Road
Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 26th May 2024 at 1pm at The Three Arches  
NEXT MEETING: Monday, 10th June 2024 at 2pm.                    
Subject: Forest Farm – Our Local Nature Reserve     
Speaker: Albyn Austin.

Our ‘add on’ this month is about Lasting Power of Attorney with a speaker from LPA Made Simple.  

Glamorgan Federation Spring walk at Penarth


Anne, Liz and Linda thoroughly enjoyed the Glamorgan Federation Spring walk at Penarth on 11th May. It was a Murder Mystery theme and they had 23 clues to solve to find out who did it and with what weapon! It was a lovely day for a walk, if a bit hazy across the channel, and they saw parts of Penarth that they hadn’t seen before, with stunning views in places.


Daith wanwyn Ffederasiwn Morgannwg ym Mhenarth


Mwynhaodd Anne, Liz a Linda daith wanwyn Ffederasiwn Morgannwg ym Mhenarth ar 11 Mai yn fawr. Thema Dirgelwch Llofruddiaeth oedd hi ac roedd ganddyn nhw 23 o gliwiau i’w datrys i ddarganfod pwy wnaeth e a gyda pha arf! Roedd yn ddiwrnod braf am dro, os braidd yn niwlog ar draws y sianel, a gwelsant rannau o Benarth nad oeddent wedi’u gweld o’r blaen, gyda golygfeydd godidog mewn mannau.


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