Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Newsletter 177 – December 2023


No Santa today (14 more sleeps to go!) but plenty of food, good company, a Christmas songs quiz and musical entertainment from Ingrid and Norman Cumming.

GLAMORGAN EXPERIENCE: last chance to book for this 2 day event. 

Blancos Hotel in Port Talbot on 4th & 5th April 2024 (Closing date 5th Jan)
Choose one of six courses on offer—details on the notice board—but briefly:
Crafts (5 different crafts)
Gin-tasting with visits plus chance to mix your own gin
History of Margam Park and Margam Abbey with guided walks
Water colours for beginners.
Stained glass – make your own panel or decorative mirror from scratch
£50 deposit required. Fees include hotel accommodation and meals, tutors and all materials.
See Liz if you wish to apply. 


Our table did well. The Committee thanks all those who helped. We took £200 towards our charity account, making the total amount nearly £2000.
Unfortunately, due to lack of space, we could not display all our items for sale, so we have brought them along today. Anything not sold will go to the City Hospice Charity Shop.


After an appeal to members at the main meeting, £66.83 was raised. The Committee agreed to make this up to £100.

GROUPS: Dates for your diaries
Book Group: Wednesday 13th Dec 2023 at 11.00am at La Cucina da Mara
Family History: Thursday 14th Dec 2023 at 10.30am at 113 Pantbach Road
Craft Group: Monday 18th Dec 2023 at 10.30am 18 Heol Stradling
Poetry and Prose: Monday 15th Jan 2024 11.00am at the Ark, Ararat
St Mary’s Gardens: Tuesday 16th Jan 2024 10.00 am. A working party. Suitable for all activity levels.
Please note: following the working party, we will adjourn to the Fox and Hounds for lunch. Other members of the Friends, (i.e. not just those present for the working parties) are invited to join us around 12 noon.
Sunday Lunch Group: Resumes in January 2024
The Bus Pass Group – Yvonne hopes to restart this in the New Year.

All our activities are listed on our blog, along with reports and photos from previous meetings
– visit 

NEXT MEETING: Monday 8th January 2024 at 2pm.
Subject: ‘Bees – it’s not just honey’ Speaker: Mavis Tierney

Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas

and all the best for the New Year!

Christmas party – parti Nadolig

Our esteemed presidents,
Linda and Glenys

The December meeting was Whitchurch WI's Christmas Fair.

Ingrid and Norman

The programmed entertainment was unable to come because of ill health. Glenys's sister and brother-in-law, Ingrid and Norman Cumming, kindly stepped in and expertly performed a series of Christmas songs. It was very enjoyable and the members were most grateful and appreciative.

Then we feasted on a wonderful spread of food and tried to answer the questions on a tricky little quiz of Christmas songs provided by Ingrid and Norman. This required a bit of lateral thinking and was a lot of fun.

Merry Christmas to all members and wishing you a peaceful New Year. 

Roedd y cyfarfod Rhagfyr o WI Eglwys Newydd parti Nadolig.

Roedd y canwr bo drefnlennu ddim yn gallu dod i'r cyfarfod achos oedd hi'n sâl. Felly roedd chwaer a brawd-yng-nghyfraith y Glenys, Ingrid a Norman Cumming, gamu i mewn, a ro'n nhw perfformio yn arbenigol sawl o ganeuon Nadolig. Roedd hi'n bleserus iawn ac roedd yr aelodau yn ddiolchgar a werthfawrogol.

Wedyn ro'n ni wledd ar ymlediad of bwyd bendigedig a thrio ateb y cwestiynau o gwis heriol bach am ganeuon Nadolig syn roi gan Ingrid a Norman. Roedd y cwis yn hawlio tipyn bach o feddwl ochrol ac yn hwyl iawn.

Nadolig Llawen i bawb aelodau ac yn dymuno i chi Pen-blwydd Newydd hedd.

(Ysgrifenni gan ddysgwyr Cymraeg - cywirwch plîs.)



Sunday, 10 December 2023

Christmas Fair at Ararat

Whitchurch WI took at stall at the Ararat Christmas Fair. It was well supported by sellers, with stalls occupying three halls at the church. It was also well supported by those looking for present ideas and browsing the interesting variety of items for sale across the event, and was already busy at opening time.

The WI stall was a wealth of donated items. Many thanks to all who gave an item for selling. Thank you also to all members who helped on the day, and those that came and bought things.

Volunteering in Rwanda – Mary Watkins

Mary Watkins began as a primary school teacher, and then worked for Welsh Water as an education officer visiting schools. Water Aid was foun...