Wednesday, 19 July 2023

July 2023 meeting

The last meeting before the summer break was most enjoyable. There was a quiz, cake, and entertainment from the twins who call themselves CL Raven.



They entertained us with their 'Pole Fitness' routine, using a suspended hoop, and a silicon pole.  As well as practising and teaching pole fitness, they are also acclaimed authors.



Their Amazon profile describes them as '... mistresses of the macabre. They're horror writers because 'bringers of nightmares' isn't a recognised job title. They write novels, short stories, comics and film scripts. Their work has been published in magazines and anthologies in the UK, USA and Australia. In their spare time, they hunt ghosts, host a horror radio show, look after their animal army, and try to look impressive with polefit. Their attempts at gymnastics should never be spoken about.'

Newsletter - July 2023

A warm welcome to our last meeting before the Summer break.  We hope you enjoy today and take the opportunity to buy cards and the good quality pre-loved and unwanted items you have brought along.

Trip to Abergavenny Food Festival.
Saturday 16th September 2023.      
This is the last chance to join this trip; only a few places left.  The total cost for the coach and the ‘stroller ticket’ is £28.  Please see Gill TODAY.

Points to notice from the Glamorgan Newsletter:

One of our members, Jane Patten, has again got one of her photographs featured in the 2024 Glamorgan Calendar.  Congratulations Jane.

Among other activities, the Glamorgan Federation is holding a quiz on Tuesday 24th October at the Hi Tide, Porthcawl.  If you would like to be one of the four members  of a team representing Whitchurch WI,  please let a member of the committee know.

** If you would like to participate in any of the activities, notices and forms are on the noticeboard at the front.**

Whitchurch Fete Saturday 1st July.

What a lovely day we had ; the sun was shining and lots of people came along to the Common.

The big news is that we raised a magnificent £400!!  It is our main fundraising event for our charities so that is a good lift towards what we will be able to donate to them.  Thank you very much to all our members who nurtured plants, helped with the arrangements and worked on the day with transportation, setting up, serving on our plant stall and clearing up afterwards.

Groups: Dates for your diaries

St Mary’s Gardens:  Tuesday 11th July 2023 10.00 am.  A working party,  Suitable for all activity levels.    

Book Group:  Wednesday 12th July  2023  at 11.00am at La Cucina da Mara

Craft Group: Monday 17th July 2023  at 10.30am 18 Heol Stradling  

Sunday Lunch Group: Sunday 23rd July  2023 at 1.00pm at Ffynon Wen. Llanishen,  CF14 9UA

Advance notice!   
Family History: Thursday 21st Sept 2023 at 10.30am at 113 Pantbach Road

Don’t forget  …   to fill  the tube of Smarties you have received today. with 20p or £1 coins during the summer.  This is part of the fundraising for our charities.  Please bring them back to:

Our next meeting:  Monday  September 11th at 2pm.
Speaker: Sarah  of Hatton Willow, Caerphilly with a talk on willow basket making, including a demonstration.

Hope you have a lovely summer!    

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Whitchurch Festival - July 1st.

 Whitchurch WI had a stall at Whitchurch Fete on the Common on July 1st.

The gardeners had worked hard to produce a wonderful selection of plants for sale.

It was a great success and raised £400 for our charities. The left-over plants went to the St Mary's Gardens project.

Congratulations and thanks to everyone who raised plants and to those who helped on the day.

Volunteering in Rwanda – Mary Watkins

Mary Watkins began as a primary school teacher, and then worked for Welsh Water as an education officer visiting schools. Water Aid was foun...